Compare missing data

  p = TRUE,
  na_include = FALSE,





Variable to test missingness against other variables with.


Variables to have missingness tested against.


Logical: Include null hypothesis statistical test.


Include missing data in explanatory variables as a factor level.


Other arguments to summary_factorlist().


A dataframe comparing missing data in the dependent variable across explanatory variables. Continuous data are compared with an Analysis of Variance F-test by default. Discrete data are compared with a chi-squared test.



explanatory = c("age", "age.factor", "extent.factor", "perfor.factor")
dependent = "mort_5yr"

colon_s %>%
  ff_glimpse(dependent, explanatory)
#> $Continuous
#>           label var_type   n missing_n missing_percent mean   sd  min
#> age Age (years)    <dbl> 929         0             0.0 59.8 11.9 18.0
#>     quartile_25 median quartile_75  max
#> age        53.0   61.0        69.0 85.0
#> $Categorical
#>                          label var_type   n missing_n missing_percent levels_n
#> mort_5yr      Mortality 5 year    <fct> 915        14             1.5        2
#> age.factor                 Age    <fct> 929         0             0.0        3
#> extent.factor Extent of spread    <fct> 929         0             0.0        4
#> perfor.factor      Perforation    <fct> 929         0             0.0        2
#>                                                                            levels
#> mort_5yr                                             "Alive", "Died", "(Missing)"
#> age.factor                   "<40 years", "40-59 years", "60+ years", "(Missing)"
#> extent.factor "Submucosa", "Muscle", "Serosa", "Adjacent structures", "(Missing)"
#> perfor.factor                                            "No", "Yes", "(Missing)"
#>                   levels_count         levels_percent
#> mort_5yr          511, 404, 14       55.0, 43.5,  1.5
#> age.factor        70, 344, 515        7.5, 37.0, 55.4
#> extent.factor 21, 106, 759, 43  2.3, 11.4, 81.7,  4.6
#> perfor.factor          902, 27             97.1,  2.9

colon_s %>%
 missing_pattern(dependent, explanatory)

#>     age perfor.factor extent.factor age.factor mort_5yr   
#> 915   1             1             1          1        1  0
#> 14    1             1             1          1        0  1
#>       0             0             0          0       14 14

colon_s %>%
  missing_compare(dependent, explanatory)
#> Warning: There was 1 warning in `dplyr::summarise()`.
#>  In argument: `chisq.test(age.factor, mort_5yr)$p.value`.
#> Caused by warning in `chisq.test()`:
#> ! Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect
#> Warning: There was 1 warning in `dplyr::summarise()`.
#>  In argument: `chisq.test(extent.factor, mort_5yr)$p.value`.
#> Caused by warning in `chisq.test()`:
#> ! Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect
#> Warning: There was 1 warning in `dplyr::summarise()`.
#>  In argument: `chisq.test(perfor.factor, mort_5yr)$p.value`.
#> Caused by warning in `chisq.test()`:
#> ! Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect
#>  Missing data analysis: Mortality 5 year                     Not missing
#>                              Age (years)           Mean (SD) 59.8 (11.9)
#>                                      Age           <40 years   67 (95.7)
#>                                                  40-59 years  339 (98.5)
#>                                                    60+ years  509 (98.8)
#>                         Extent of spread           Submucosa   20 (95.2)
#>                                                       Muscle  103 (97.2)
#>                                                       Serosa  750 (98.8)
#>                                          Adjacent structures   42 (97.7)
#>                              Perforation                  No  888 (98.4)
#>                                                          Yes  27 (100.0)
#>      Missing     p
#>  53.9 (12.7) 0.066
#>      3 (4.3) 0.132
#>      5 (1.5)      
#>      6 (1.2)      
#>      1 (4.8) 0.325
#>      3 (2.8)      
#>      9 (1.2)      
#>      1 (2.3)      
#>     14 (1.6) 1.000
#>      0 (0.0)