Generate model predictions against a specified set of explanatory levels with
bootstrapped confidence intervals. Add a comparison by difference or ratio of
the first row of newdata
with all subsequent rows.
type = "response",
R = 100,
estimate_name = NULL,
confint_level = 0.95,
conf.method = "perc",
confint_sep = " to ",
condense = TRUE,
boot_compare = TRUE,
compare_name = NULL,
comparison = "difference",
ref_symbol = "-",
digits = c(2, 3)
Dataframe usually generated with
the type of prediction required, see
. The default for glm models is on the
scale of the response variable. Thus for a binomial model the default
predictions are predicted probabilities.
Number of simulations. Note default R=100 is very low.
Name to be given to prediction variable y-hat.
The confidence level to use for the confidence interval. Must be strictly greater than 0 and less than 1. Defaults to 0.95, which corresponds to a 95 percent confidence interval.
Passed to the type argument of Defaults to "perc". The allowed types are "perc", "basic", "bca", and "norm". Does not support "stud" or "all"
String separating lower and upper confidence interval
Logical. FALSE gives numeric values, usually for plotting. TRUE gives table for final output.
Include a comparison with the first row of newdata
with all subsequent rows. See boot_compare
Name to be given to comparison metric.
Either "difference" or "ratio".
Reference level symbol
Rounding for estimate values and p-values, default c(2,3).
A dataframe of predicted values and confidence intervals, with the
option of including a comparison of difference between first row and all
subsequent rows of newdata
To use this, first generate newdata
for specified levels of
explanatory variables using finalfit_newdata
. Pass model
objects from lm
, glm
, lmmulti
, and
. The comparison metrics are made on individual
bootstrap samples distribution returned as a mean with confidence intervals.
A p-value is generated on the proportion of values on the other side of the
null from the mean, e.g. for a ratio greater than 1.0, p is the number of
bootstrapped predictions under 1.0, multiplied by two so is two-sided.
#> Attaching package: ‘dplyr’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
# Predict probability of death across combinations of factor levels
explanatory = c("age.factor", "extent.factor", "perfor.factor")
dependent = 'mort_5yr'
# Generate combination of factor levels
colon_s %>%
finalfit_newdata(explanatory = explanatory, newdata = list(
c("<40 years", "Submucosa", "No"),
c("<40 years", "Submucosa", "Yes"),
c("<40 years", "Adjacent structures", "No"),
c("<40 years", "Adjacent structures", "Yes")
)) -> newdata
# Run simulation
colon_s %>%
glmmulti(dependent, explanatory) %>%
boot_predict(newdata, estimate_name = "Predicted probability of death",
compare_name = "Absolute risk difference", R=100, digits = c(2,3))
#> Age Extent of spread Perforation Predicted probability of death
#> 1 <40 years Submucosa No 0.28 (0.10 to 0.59)
#> 2 <40 years Submucosa Yes 0.29 (0.08 to 0.63)
#> 3 <40 years Adjacent structures No 0.71 (0.49 to 0.86)
#> 4 <40 years Adjacent structures Yes 0.72 (0.44 to 0.90)
#> Absolute risk difference
#> 1 -
#> 2 0.01 (-0.15 to 0.21, p=0.900)
#> 3 0.39 (0.13 to 0.60, p<0.001)
#> 4 0.40 (0.09 to 0.66, p=0.020)
# Plotting
explanatory = c("nodes", "extent.factor", "perfor.factor")
colon_s %>%
finalfit_newdata(explanatory = explanatory, rowwise = FALSE, newdata = list(
rep(seq(0, 30), 4),
c(rep("Muscle", 62), rep("Adjacent structures", 62)),
c(rep("No", 31), rep("Yes", 31), rep("No", 31), rep("Yes", 31))
)) -> newdata
colon_s %>%
glmmulti(dependent, explanatory) %>%
boot_predict(newdata, boot_compare = FALSE, R=100, condense=FALSE) -> plot
plot %>%
ggplot(aes(x = nodes, y = estimate, ymin = estimate_conf.low,
ymax = estimate_conf.high, fill=extent.factor))+
geom_line(aes(colour = extent.factor))+
xlab("Number of postive lymph nodes")+
ylab("Probability of death")+
labs(fill = "Extent of tumour", colour = "Extent of tumour")+
ggtitle("Probability of death by lymph node count")
#> Warning: Combining variables of class <labelled> and <factor> was deprecated in ggplot2
#> 3.4.0.
#> ℹ Please ensure your variables are compatible before plotting (location:
#> `join_keys()`)